Çmenden çmimet në Ksamil – Shifra të ‘frikshme’: Shezlonët 100 Euro, shteti të marrë masa…

I bekuar nga natyra dhe i lakmuar nga turistët e huaj Ksamili është padyshim një nga destinacionet më të kërkuara në Shqipëri. Por në krahasim me vitet…

Sìpas eksperteve kjo eshte arsyeja perse mushkonjat u pìckojne juve me shume se sa te tjeret

E keni pyetur ndonjëherë veten se përse mushkonjat duket sikur e kanë vetëm me ju dhe nuk pickojnë njerëzit që gjenden rreth e rrotull? Sipas ekspertëve të…

“Merrni masa!”- Surpriza, çfarë pritet të ndodhë me motin, mesin e javës tjetër!!

Një valë tjetër e të nxehtit afrikan ka përfshirë vendin tonë duke e ngritur zhivën e termometrit në mbi 40 gradë Celcius. Sipas Shërbimit Meteorologjik Ushtarak kjo…

The Special Journey of Savannah and Her Twins with Down Syndrome

Did you know that the chances of giving birth to twins have increased significantly in recent years? In fact, approximately 33 out of every 1,000 births are…

Soap Opera Actor has passed away. He was 75.

We are saddened to share the news that beloved soap opera actor, Doug Sheehan, has passed away at the age of 75. Sheehan is best known for…

Mom poses for camera with giant belly – when photographer asks her to turn around she breaks down

Having a child is one of the biggest things you can do in life. Jazzy and Rich were expecting their second child together, and were excited to get to know the…

When the captain’s voice is heard speaking to the poor, heavy woman on the plane, the rich man mocks her.

A wealthy man is irritated to find himself sitting next to an overweight woman in first-class and starts complaining to the flight attendant.James Courtney knew it was…

Utah CEO And Teen Daughter Killed In Tragic Accident

A devastating accident in Ogden Canyon, Utah, has shocked and saddened the community. Richard David Hendrickson, the CEO and president of Lifetime Products, and his 16-year-old daughter…

Where Are the Duggar Sisters Now? All About the Former TLC Stars’ Lives After ’19 Kids and Counting’

The Duggar sisters, known for their appearances on the reality TV show “19 Kids and Counting,” have been keeping busy since the show ended in 2021. Despite…

Tips For Cleaning Your Blinds Without Taking Them Down From The Wall

We spend a lot of time testing products, tips and tricks to find the easiest, quickest and most effective ways to keep everything inside and outside your…