Nadya Suleman, A Mom Of Octuplets Celebrates Their 15th Birthday!!

“Octomom,” Nadya Suleman, is commemorating a significant occasion in her octuplets’ lives.

In honor of her octuplets’ 14th birthday (now 15), which they celebrated with a family go-kart ride, the 47-year-old mother of 14 took a picture with them.

Aligned between Noah, Josiah, Nariyah, Maliyah, Jonah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Makai, a group of teenagers seem to be getting close to mom’s height as they grinned and clutched balloons that read “birthday.”

In a different picture, the teenagers display their distinct sense of flair as they are positioned and captured in mid-air jump.

Suleman did not grow her family after welcoming the octuplets in 2009. Calyssa and Caleb, 16, Aidan, 17, Joshua, 19, Ameerah, 20, and Elijah, 21 are her twins.

“Be proud of yourselves kids for being kind, respectful, and helpful to all your fellow peers, teachers, and staff,” Suleman captioned the photo, stating that her teenagers “are exceptional role models to the 6th and 7th graders.”

She added a single red heart emoji and said, “I love you,” before ending her tweet with a “side note to critics.”

“Their older siblings did not want me to post a picture on their first day. I respect their choice, so should you,” Suleman wrote.

View ‘Octomom’ Nadya Suleman’s Octuplets Throughout Time

“You are all growing into some of the most kind, humble, grateful and loving human beings I have ever known. Each of you possess rare and unique characteristics, and are unlike any other child of your age, particularly in our society today,” she wrote at the time.

Detailing that her kids “are selfless, altruistic, nonmaterialistic, and loving, fearing, followers of God,” Suleman stated, “I have never seen children who love and want to serve others, (particularly those less fortunate), so boldly and confidently like each and every one of you do.”

“You are not followers of this shallow world, but of a God that created and loves you unconditionally. I do not know what I could possibly have done to deserve being blessed so bountifully,” she added. “I love you .”

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