Two sisters went on stage and performed the legendary song, which was well received…!

Mariah Carey’s song “Without you” was the absolute hit of the 90s. Since then, many have tried to repeat the success of this singer, trying to surpass the original, but few have succeeded. The composition itself is vocally complex, and it took a lot of effort to sing it at least at a level.

You will be surprised, but the only ones who managed to do it are young Odessans Anastasia and Victoria Petrik. At the time of the performance, the eldest of the girls, Vika, was 16 years old, and her sister was 11. When they came out to sing, no one expected such penetration and power, but from the first minute their voice captivated the audience… The eldest of them was 14 years old, the youngest was only 6. Both of them were able to show their talent by performing such a difficult song. The jury didn’t trust them for a moment at first because no one had tried that song before, knowing that it wouldn’t work. These sisters came up on stage quite united and confident.

Seeing them, the jury thought that they should perform some ordinary performance. However, the impression changed and took a different course because there were girls with powerful and charming voices on the stage. They supported each other and understood each other at a glance. at that age too. But the fact remained a fact and a powerful performance was a powerful performance. Their voice spread throughout the hall, capturing thousands of hearts. Every note of their song penetrated the hearts of people, causing great emotions and thoughts. Due to their unparalleled voice, they became the unique performers and winners of the day. They were also praised. it was also reported in popular newspapers and on television, pointing out the fact of imitating the asexual voice data and the real singer. They presented their number hand in hand without being constrained, without being excited and without hesitation. Such a performance really deserved to be called a victory and to receive recognition. They were the only ones who changed the jury’s opinion and way of thinking.


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